Monday 4 February 2013

Following no more...

Quick question.

Have any of you successfully stopped following a blog? A blog I follow seems to have been highjacked and I want to stop following it.....

Tried asking Blogger but no success.

Cheerios medearos.



Anonymous said...

I tried to unfollow several blogs just before Christmas with no success. My picture no longer shows on their followers grid thingy but i do still get blog updates which is rather annoying. I emailed blogger but i'm still waiting for a reply.
Please let me know if you are successful.

Sarah Jane said...

Have you tried going to main Blogger dashboard, clicking on the symbol thing next to where it says 'View in Google Reader'. That should take you to your reading list. Click where it says 'settings' next to the blog you no longer wish to follow and then 'stop following this site'. That's how I've done it and I've had no problems xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dear, I have no idea my dear. But it looks like LUCY above me may have the answer. What a shame this happened! I hope you are successful. Let us know how you make out. Anita

sandiart said...

No idea! An ad just came on the tv for a show that is coming back on called Bondi Rescue and I immediately thought of you :) have you heard of it? If not, it is a show about life surfers rescuing people at Bondi beach, Gem heaven !!
xx Sandi

Charis said...

Agggghhh it's long & ardous now my dear! Go to th blog that you wish to unfollow & sign in (with google) this will leave you back on their main page. Then click Options, site settings,stop following this site & Done. Ta da!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I hope you don't mind but I have just nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award... see my blog post for details .