Sweet Child has given me the mother of all love bites. There she was, a-sucking on my neck, and I indulged her. It was warm and nice and I felt we were having a moment. We have lots of moments because she is a very cuddly, tactile, loving baby.
But there's loving, and there is serious bruising. The above pic was taken two hours after it happened. Now the bruise is black and I look....well, rough as chuff, for want of a better word.
It is now a hideous hickey in an 80s teenager kind of way. Something I never had or wanted in my youth. How ironic that I get one now and it is TOTALLY in yer face. I am wearing a lot of scarves.
I don't think she was trying to latch on for a feed because she knows my boobs are barely up at the top end of my body these days. She would have had more luck if she had latched onto my kneecap...
Anyway, other than giving Dracula a run for his money, Sweet Child has become a mountain goat. She walks around furniture, climbs the stairs, tries to get out of her highchair and is into everything. It's exhausting! She is nine months old tomorrow.
When she has gone for a nap, I pack all the chores in or do a spot of baking. Here is a Spanish Apple cake which is a Baby Led Weaning recipe. It is LUSH!
And I am still churning out these spinach and cheese muffins.
I took a bag that didn't have wet wipes or spare nappies in. I wore perfume and not Eau de Mashed Breadstick. I felt semi human and I ordered gin at the bar, without a small person tugging at my sleeves and announcing they need a poo.
Oh, the husband and I are both feeling bereft after watching the final episode of Breaking Bad. No spoilers here, yo.
But I wonder if we were addicted to it, in a crystal meth kinda way. We are lost without it. We used to sneak off to watch an episode when Sweet Child dozed, absolutely genius show.
Now we are toying with what to watch next. I can't tell you how much I want to watch it all over again from the very first episode.
But in the meantime, I need to find some good concealer for the monstrosity on my neck.
Til the next time...